Top 5 Feel Good Movies//Missing Link//The Dirt//Little Children

Posted on by TheFilmVault in Episodes, Podcast | 1 Comment
10 Years ago next week, Bryan was diagnosed with brain cancer. Back then  he suggested we do Top 5 Feel Good Films, a brief reprieve for such a dark time. Here we are, 10 years later and Bryan is still kicking, sniffing and waxing poetic. This week we update that list we did all those years ago.

Art by Aaron Stevens

Download – Duration: 1:47:10 More

Top 5 Female One Trick Ponies//Shazam!//The Mustang//Incendies

Posted on by TheFilmVault in Episodes, Podcast | 2 Comments
Last week the men were covered, this week it’s the ladies time to shine as one trick ponies. They may do that one note very well, but that’s pretty much all they do.

Art by Drake Ducham

Download – Duration: 1:13:57 More

Top 5 Male One Trick Ponies//The Beach Bum//Behind the Curve//The Highwaymen

Posted on by TheFilmVault in Podcast | 3 Comments
A lot of great actors have limited range and here is where such actors are listed and showcased. Anderson and Bryan list the actors who always play the same character in every role they’re in. This can be a great thing if that one thing they do is a great thing, but can be an awful thing if that thing is not something to be enjoyed.

Art by Jeff Pransky


Download – Duration: 1:48:44 More

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