Top 5 L.A. Movies: Underwater//American Factory//Honeyland

Some very good movies based in L.A. came out last year and one of them might even be considered the best picture. This week we count down our favorite movies that take place in our home town.
Please help the Cold Cockle cause by rating and or reviewing that movie called Groupers below.

Listener Art: Brett Disney

Featured Artists: Pisces Party & Mystery Kid

Pisces Party Spotify

Pisces Party Email

Films Discussed:

American Factory



Falling Down

Boyz n the Hood

Beverly Hills Cop

Maps to the Stars

The Limey, Training Day

Blood In, Blood Out,

Singin’ in the Rain


Boogie Nights 

DownloadDuration: 01:59:43

Posted on by TheFilmVault in Episodes, Podcast, The Film Vault

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