The Bush Leaguers formed in April 2011, and the story unfolded almost exactly like the plot of Eddie and the Cruisers, except for instead of Gerald Pitts’ totaled car being discovered underneath a bridge, Gerald Pitts was discovered when playing a solo gig and opening for Porter Hall Tennessee. He was then asked to play a gig at the fabled Dino’s in East Nashville. He asked if he could bring a whole band, was told yes, and then needed a band. Because he didn’t have one yet. Despite this safety net-less approach, the universe answered him with Michael Turvin, an old college crony, and so much more than a pretty face on lead guitar, Eric Peck a new Nashville crony on bass, and general level-headedness that bands need, and Korey Hodges on drums who came in, and blew us away, and teased us, because he had to leave to get a real job, and do the awesome podcast: the PWA show. Matt Rosenberg, the wise-beyond-years juvenile delinquent now beats on the drums. The rest of it is pretty much shot-for-shot Eddie and the Cruisers.